sorry its been so long. as you know we steal wi-fi from neighbors so if i CAN get on the internet, i check my email & look at a few blogs until i lose the connection. well i picked up my mom from work, so i have access at their house to do this! :) so let me update you:
{valentines} mike told me he got us tickets to WICKED{if you don't know, this is a broadway musical} this summer! woot woot! & brought me home 1/2 dozen roses in the afternoon :)
{work} stressful at times but i LOVE the kids i work with & the ladies i work with are incredible! honestly. one of our students is having a rough time & is sometime a challenge, getting hit, hitting himself, frustrations of not being able to communicate! i can't imagine!
{life} its good. getting more time with my hubby. still making lots of wood letters & it worked out to make some more business when i went to a baby shower with my gift {ELLA} & people wanted me to do their kids! yay. & then took a Big {B} to a bridal shower! {
ok so life...its good. keeping MORE busy than usual with cooking nights, craft nights, & american idol of course! :) we went shooting/quading last week & that was way fun!
thats all folks. sorry. i'm boring. love you all! :)
{p.s. the headaches, really had nothing to do with the post, but i have been getting more headaches & can't figure out why.}